Peer Review Process
Double Blind Peer Review
Research articles and Reviews will undergo a double-blind, peer review. This also applies to manuscripts submitted as part of all teaching, outreach and engagement articles related to linguistics and cultural studies field. The decision of the reviewers will be acknowledged by the MaMi Editors in accordance with eligibility for publication. The authors will be informed of the review decision and all relevant comments will be forwarded to the authors. Please note that all reviewers in MaMi are volunteer and professional, therefore, the review result up to 8 weeks.
High priority is given to manuscripts that mark a new and demonstratively significant advancement in research on international students by:
- focusing on under-researched aspects of the field
- focusing on countries or contexts about which little is known
- using under-utilized theories, new frameworks, discourses, and methodologies
- joining theory and research
Reviewers evaluate manuscripts based on the following criteria:
- Significance: Does the manuscript represent a new and demonstratively significant advancement in research on international students?
- Review of Literature: Does the manuscript include a well-organized and analytical review of relevant literature?
- Does the manuscript use a clear and well-developed theoretical/conceptual framework?
- Research Design: Does the manuscript reflect appropriate design and methodology? Does the manuscript reflect high quality data and analysis?
- Discussion: Does the discussion and conclusion highlight the relevance of the findings for research, policy, and practice?
- Style: Is the manuscript clear, logical, and concise? Does the manuscript follow APA publication guidelines?
Based on the feedback from the Reviewers, the Editors will make one of the following decisions:
- Decline Submission: The manuscript is unsuitable for publication in the journal.
- Resubmit for Review (major revisions): The manuscript has potential for publication but significant revisions are required before publication can be considered.
- Revisions Required (minor revisions): The manuscript has potential for publication but specific revisions should be made before publication can be considered.
- Accept Submission: The manuscript can proceed to the next stage of the editorial process without any further edits.
The most common recommendations for manuscripts upon the first review are Decline Submission and Resubmit for Review (major revisions).
If a manuscript is accepted for publication, all authors are required to complete Terms of Agreement. By signing these terms of the agreement, authors release all copyrights to the Macrolinguistics and Microlinguistics.