Abdul Chaer general linguistics book resume
certain procedures, communication tool, empirical evidence, general linguistics, lengue, lingua, linguistics treat, special linguistics, spoken languageAbstract
Every science has three stages of development including linguistics. The first stage is the stage of speculation, meaning that the conclusion is made without being supported by empirical evidence and carried out without certain procedures. The second stage is the stage of observation and classification. At this stage the experts collect and classify all facts carefully without giving theory, this method cannot be said to be scientific because it has not yet arrived at the withdrawal of the theory. The third stage is the stage of the formulation of the theory. At this stage, each discipline tries to understand the basic problems and asks questions about those problems based on the empirical data collected, then formulates hypotheses or hypotheses that can answer the question, and compile tests to test the hypothesis with the facts. This approach to language as a language can be described in some concepts. First, because language is the sound of speech, linguistics sees language as sound. For linguistics, spoken language is primary and written language is secondary. Second, because language is unique, linguistics does not try to use the framework of one language to apply to other languages.
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